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Cactus Flower
Beth Zink who specializes in painting desert botanicals, taught an all day acrylic class, and let us trace and paint one of her very special creations.
Acrylic, 14 x 18
Naked Ladies I
Painting from a photo I’d taken, while visiting my daughter in San Francisco. It was extremely difficult to distinguish what petals belonged to what flower. Because of that challenge, I am very proud of this effort.
Watercolor, 11 x 13
Naked Ladies II
Another perspective.
Watercolor, 11 x 13
Cactus Wren
Mature fruit on these cactus turn purple then shrivel and fall. Red fruit is new fruit.
Watercolor, 6 x 9
The first paint wasl of this aloe was yellow followed by mixtures and depths of blue-yellow layers. I used metallic paint on the rock for shine.
Watercolor, 10 x 11
Varigated Amaryllis
This was an early trial. An exercise in painting fine lines and keeping white areas white.
Watercolor, 4.5 X 6