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My Great Dane grand dog of over two hundred pounds. Loving and gentle, he must have his “ducky” to sleep with at night.
Watercolor, 10 x 14
I took this photo of Mika when she came to visit me in Arizona. Her mom says that her outstanding skills include kissing, cuddling, and eating.
Watercolor, 9 x 12
A very small playmate of my granddog, Julius. I never met Kona, but grew to know and love him quite well during the process of painting his portrait.
Pastel, 7.5 x 9.5
My first Great Dane grand puppy. This picture was taken after his digging in the dirt. The sweet innocence of his blue eyes and the softness of his personality warm my heart.
Watercolor, 9.5 x 12
My granddaughter Skylar’s “dream” dog. She knows and loves Australian Shephards, as there are three in her family.
Pastel, 8 x 10
In Memory
Cocoa was so very loved and loving. A companion to Madison, a golden lab, and Duncan, a smaller fluffy fur baby, found in other of my paintings..
Watercolor, 8 x 10
When I asked Kyle, my grandson, what animal to paint for him, he immediately replied, “A golden lab.” This is his dream puppy, He will be named Winston.
Pastel, 9 x 12
My granddaughter Ali’s fluffy, darling doggy that remains at home while she finishes college in Texas.
Pastel, 9.5 x 12.5
One year old Great Dane puppy, likes to pull suculents from the garden. He covets his prize. 2022.
Watercolor, 9 x 13 1/4
The beloved family member of our dear cousins.
Watercolor, 9 x 12
Miss Storm
Commissioned painting
Watercolor, 9 x 12
This “Aussie” puppy captured my heart with its blue eyes and varied coat colors. I only know him through a family photograph.
Pastel, 8 x 12
On a walk. The challenge of this painting was for the flowers to show well and the weeds to appear tall.
Watercolor, 8.25 x 10.25